The call for an omnichannel eCommerce solution is louder than ever

Brand experience and ease of use is one of the key drivers of customer retention and greater wallet share. And when it comes to an ecommerce-based business, the stakes are even higher to stay relevant and communicate with your market wherewith a median they’re comfortable with.

Is email or chatbot enough? Now is the time where businesses need to review their functional touchpoints to maximise the ease of brand access to make each potential engagement comfortable with their preferred method of communication thereby enhancing the customer journey.

Miss that trick and it could mean losing business to a more accessible competitor.

So what’s the right approach when building out a successful ecommerce journey?

How do we consider and meet the needs of every kind of unique customer – especially the more tech-challenged buyer who is now forced to buy in a way they’re not yet comfortable with post the COVID pandemic?

Firstly, we need to look at the 3 types of market segments:


These customers are working from home but are still not comfortable with loading their credit card details onto apps and online sites.

Perhaps considering a more ‘human element’ to your customer journey would help guide these customers through the process, giving them safety and security confirmation notifications as they go. SnapScnan and EFT payment options are more widely known and could do a lot for ease of brand interaction.


These customers are a tech-savvy consumer segment who aren’t strangers to the digital world.

How do you develop an omnichannel solution that gives them the speed, efficiency, convenience, ease of use and known security measures that they are looking for and come to expect while shopping online?


These are the customers who have been forced into the online shopping world in order to survive during the pandemic.

How do you help them along during their journey as they develop this new way of thinking? How will your omnichannel approach educate them along the way so that they feel supported and safe? Perhaps a more personalised, detailed consumer journey on more familiar platforms is required for optimal ease of use.

Let’s not forget one of the key factors to consider when building out your omnichannel customer journeys: Data Security as well as compliance with POPIA, PCI and GDPR to name a few.

With all this in mind, it’s clear that growing businesses need to partner with a company who has thought about all of this already.

Look no further than CallForce – dedicated to delivering innovative, customised omnichannel contact centre solutions that unlocks channels and touchpoints to transform the customer journey, enhance the brand experience giving you that competitive edge.

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